Monday, August 2, 2010

3rd Seminar. Assessment of the Registration System of falls in nursing home residents and identification of improvement strategies

This oral presentation was considered the best of its work group (they chose the best presentation in each work group).

This presentation studies the falls in elderly residents of nursing homes in the Granada Sanitary District, and has three main objectives:

1. To determine the incidence of falls in nursing home residents.

2. To perform an analysis of the most common causes of falls.

3. To categorize the identified improvement areas to plan intervention strategies.

4. To assess the impact of the registration system in the professionals.

The results are very interesting. Among them, for example:

- One thousand and two patients of the total of 3142 had one or more falls in a period of less than three years.

- About 12% of the patients who fell went to the Emergency, and 3% of the total was hospitalized.

An ambitious and very well described project, on a topic often overlooked. The first author is Eugenio Vera.

+ Info 20032.pdf

See also in this blog:

Evaluación multifactorial del riesgo en la prevención de caídas y lesiones en atención primaria y urgencias destinadas a personas mayores (Multifactorial risk assessment in the prevention of falls and injuries in primary care and emergency care for elderly).

Los programas de ejercicio son efectivos para la prevención de las caídas en ancianos (Exercise programs are effective in preventing falls in elderly).

Posted by Fernando Palacio
English version by Erika Céspedes

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